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Fix matches Mourinho about ideal matches: they are difficult not to find in the performance of my Chelsea, who devoured the Premier League

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Jose Mourinho recalled perfect matches in his coaching career. - What match was you perfect and why?
-it is difficult to answer . . . to the port-Lazio (4:1) in the semifinals of the UEFA-2003 Cup. They scored for 50 seconds, but after that they did not touch the ball.
Inter-Bavaria (2-0)-a minute later we already knew that we would win (the final forecast by contact fix football tispters of the Champions League-2010-athletes ").
Mu - Tottenham (1:6), but they could score 7, 8, and 9 goals. It is also difficult not to find the perfect match performed by my Chelsea, who was devoured by the Premier League, "said coach Fenerbahce.
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